Monday, February 6, 2012

I wish

I wish I knew famous people that would help me along here. To help me get the word out...sometimes just having one write a special message on a kids social media page. It's amazing how these singers and actors can influence our kids.
I wish I could be writing a blog about bullying finally coming to an end! More than anything I wish I could have had my hand there for each and every hurting child right before taking their precious lives. I wish I could have walked around school with them for the last few weeks leading up to their decision.
I wish more parents knew about this growing issue. That their kids are not exempt. Any child, including the ones that seem to have things together and going for them. None and I repeat NONE are safe from this ongoing problem.
If I knew the best way to get through to both the bullied and bullies, there would be nothing that could stop me from doing it. I spend a lot of time and energy trying to find answers...but it's actions that I live for. I have to reach further. I really feel it's my purpose in life and have never felt stronger about something in my life.

I keep praying for the Lord to lead me in the direction needed to really make a difference. I can and will continue reaching out to those I know and see needing an ear to listen. I will also continue talking to as many parents as possible about this and leading both child and/or parents in the right direction, no matter if it's not always the right place and time. I will continue to "creep" as many kids as possible and call for help if I feel it's needed. In my opinion there is no "good" time to talk about bullying and/or suicide. I feel like I'm a mother to so many kids here. I love knowing that I can be there for kids that are having problems. But I still need to do more! It's breaking me...I NEED to change this world! I NEED everyone's help! We cannot keep loosing these kids to this...such a permanent  choice should be shared and talked about with someone that loves them and for whatever reason, these kids are not feeling that seeking help is an option. We need to figure out why! There really is no more time to waste.

I wish...